Acute Care Industry Review



Why Nemzoff & Company?


One of the questions that we are frequently asked is “Why should we choose Nemzoff & Company, as opposed or our bankers, consultants, or accountants?” Our response is as follows:

The M&A field has exploded during the past few years, and many firms are getting into the business. These are all excellent firms with extremely high quality professionals, many of whom have been involved with a number of M&A transactions either as the banker, feasibility consultant, or part of the project team. Even though they may have been a part of the team on a number of occasions, we believe that buying, selling, or merging a hospital is an extremely complicated and very risky transaction. If the project director you hire has only been part of a transaction team, or has only led the team a few times, the results could be disastrous.

Although many firms have been involved with the strategic, accounting and investment banking side of transactions, we believe the most important factor in selecting someone to assist you is the experience of the individual who is in charge of performing the tasks of lead negotiator and project director. How many deals have they done? Have they served as project director and lead negotiator, or were they simply part of the team? Our professionals have been the project director and lead negotiator on more hospitals M&A transactions than any firm in the United States. We will work very closely with your other advisors, but our role is to direct them and the project, while reporting directly to the client.


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Nemzoff & Company, LLC
P.O. Box 395
New Hope, PA  18938